China Aneng collaborates with Bei Yi to jointly promote the development of photovoltaic projects

BeiYi earth drill efficiently penetrates into the ground piles

China Aneng Group's Second Engineering Bureau Photovoltaic Project in Haikou

In photovoltaic projects, the foundation support structure is of utmost importance, with mechanical construction offering higher efficiency. Using a spiral earth drill, the support structure is screwed into the ground, forming effective support. This eliminates the need for destructive excavation and backfilling, simplifying the construction process and reducing costs.

Bei Yi, as an experienced and reputable enterprise, is widely recognized for its product quality in the industry. When China Aneng Second Engineering Bureau launched the photovoltaic project in Haikou, Bei Yi Machinery was chosen among numerous manufacturers of earth drill!

Upon receiving the request, Bei Yi factory arranged for direct shipment from the warehouse. With the simple structure of the earth drill, on-site personnel quickly connected the excavator, drilling rig, and spiral ground piles, and the machines began operation.

One by one, the ground piles were erected and then driven into the ground layer by layer, requiring no manual effort. It was swift and stable, handling this batch of spiral ground piles with ease.


How good is the Bei Yi earth drill? It utilizes American-imported hydraulic motors, providing high torque, sturdiness, and durability. With its anti-swing cross brace, the rig is firmly secured to the excavator, minimizing vibrations. It can effortlessly handle each ground pile in just a few minutes, significantly reducing project timelines.


The rig's capabilities in hole drilling and excavation are simply remarkable. It easily overcomes clay and frozen ground, making it applicable to numerous engineering projects.

Earth drill applications include:

fencing, landscaping, drilling, road signs, pile foundation factories, geothermal pump sources, sound barrier screens, exploration and research, spiral pile installation, pole and mast installation, etc.


For hole drilling operations, it's truly worry-free with this rig. It's unfazed by adverse soil conditions, boasting powerful performance. It can drill up to 18 meters deep and handle diameters of up to 2 meters. Moreover, it can be customized according to specific requirements. Does this 'little whirlwind entice business owners.